Sunday 15 February 2015


Can you imagine how wonderful it would be if you could stop guessing which herbs and supplements are the right ones for you, and you could know for sure which ones will help you?

We have some exciting news for you. You can now use ZYTO Compass to do just that. Zyto compass scans your body and generates a feedback report that tells you which health and wellness products will work to help you balance your body.

No more issues with trying different supplements, only to find out that certain ones just aren't working for you. They may work for your spouse or best friend, but that is because we are all uniquely different; and so we require different things to keep our body's in balance. Now you can save time and money because you will know exactly which supplements to purchase, and take, because it is based on your ZYTO Compass bio scan. This is "21st Century Technology" at its best.

This exciting new technology, which has been used in NASA since the 1970's. ZYTO Compass is cutting edge technology that is now available to the public. People from all walks of life are getting huge benefits from using ZYTO Compass technology.

Your body is an innately intelligent system in and of itself. It knows what is going on inside of every single organ, tissue and cell. But the truly great thing is that the ZYTO Compass is able to pick up on any imbalances (bio-markers that are not in place), and it can help to identify where work needs to be done, and with what. The ZYTO Compass is not a medical procedure or treatment, (although there are many medical professionals who have been using this technology for years). It is able to read the energy fields in the body through a simple assessment using software on a computer (It actually scans all of the meridians in the body). It will then make product suggestions, and some that you may not have even thought of; and it will confirm many things that you probably already know about the supplements you are currently using.

How Does the ZYTO Compass Work?

Every second of every day all your activities are managed by an estimated 100 million impulses of information. This massive exchange of information happens at a level below conscious awareness in an area of the brain called the reticular activating system (RAS). It is the analysis and processing of these impulses that keeps your body organized, focused and healthy; without it, you would cease to function!

ZYTO Compass Bio Survey Nutritional Analysis combines quantum physics, biology, information theory and modern computer technologies. The results of the Compass Bio Survey Analysis are quickly analyzed and interpreted for your unique nutritional requirements.

The Compass System combines the power of dynamic changes in the electrical properties of the skin with ZYTO’s Decision Support Technology software. ZYTO technology measures the fluctuations in the energy patterns of the skin. The primary feedback mechanism is called GSR or Galvanic Skin Response. When you place your hand on the Compass hand cradle, the ZYTO software sends stimuli to the body using digital signatures representative of various alternatives like nutritional supplements. Each stimulus creates a unique GSR response, which the ZYTO software measures and analyzes. It’s like asking the body questions about nutritional products and having the body talk back (bio-feedback).

How Can ZYTO Compass Technology Help You?

ZYTO Compass technology can save you time and money. You will feel greater confidence each time you order doTERRA products, because you will know that they are the right ones for you. You simply look at your generated report and purchased the products based on the recommendations from your own body. The ZYTO Compass reports can also be saved and you can view measurable progress when you have your next scan. The scan is quick, easy and painless. It only takes about five minutes to complete the scan, and the entire analysis and printed report is normally finished in less than thirty minutes.

Is the ZYTO Compass Easy to Use?

Using the ZYTO Compass is super simple. You just place your hand in the hand cradle (as shown in the photo above) and rest it there for approximately five minutes. The energy fields in your body are scanned and the Compass inputs the information into the computer.

If you would like further info and schedule a ZYTO Scan for you and your family, simply complete the contact form below and we will get back to you.

Are you a Health Practitioner and would like a Zyto compass for yourself?

If you would like to have a Zyto compass click on the link GET MY OWN ZYTO COMPASS