Sunday 5 April 2015


I have been using various supplements for many years. I am an advocate of wellness for each and every individual.  I believe we all have at our disposal the tools for health and vitality.
Why can we get it so wrong? 

I began to question why is it that people who have been using the same supplements for many years still find themselves with disease and then they think they need more of the supplements that they are already using to take them to a place of healing. Something isn't right when you see them get worse with the more they take. And their wise counsel tell them it is just a healing crisis keep persisting. That healing crisis can find them at a point of no return. It occurred to me that marketing has a bigger power over us then we allow our intuition. There are times in our lives where our bodies do need support. As our diets and lifestyle doesn't always provide all our needs.  Our bodies have the ability to regenerate, the body you are standing into today, is not the same body that you were standing in 10 years ago.   

So why do we find ourselves still taking supplements that we were using many years ago? Are they doing more harm than good?

 As most of you know that 72% of the human body is H20 ( liquid water).  Every 16 days nearly 100% of the water is exchanged in a healthy body.  Heavy elements like carbon, sodium and potassium take occupancy far longer around 8 to 11 months. 

 Other larger organs their replacements can be estimated as below:

  • The lining in stomach and intestine every 4 days
  • The Gums are replaced every 2 weeks
  • The Skin replaced every 4 weeks
  • The Liver replaced every 6 weeks
  • The Lining of blood vessels replaced every 6 months
  • The Heart replaced every 6 months
  • The Surface cells of digestion, top layer cells in the digestion process from our mouth through our large bowel are replaced every 5 minutes
  • (This data was first pointed out by Dr. Paul C. Aebersold in 1953 in a landmark paper he presented to the Smithsonian Institute, “Radioisotopes - New keys to knowledge”)
     So this got me thinking, if our bodies are forever-changing why aren't we changing what we are doing?  Because if we are not changing what were putting into our body by way of supplements and foods we create a toxic load on our systems. This creates a further strain on the body creating a myriad of problems. This can also be true in the type of diet that we use for ourselves.  For example if we have a chronic disease like cancer or diabetes we may decide that we are going to clean up our diet and supplement to support our body through its healing process.  We may decide that a vegan lifestyle is the best choice for us in supporting our body.  However once our body has healed, this lifestyle may not actually be ideal any more and create further strain on the body each individual responds differently to any program long term. (I am not recommending any form of diet lifestyle that is for the individual to do their own research as to what suits their needs) Listen to what your body is telling you. If you are feeling unwell it just maybe time to look at what you are supplementing.

     So to investigate my theory I decided I was going to regularly scan my body for what it actually needs.  To supplement my body I use dōTERRA CTPG essential oils and supplements and nothing else.  Essential oils are 50 to 70 times more powerful than herbs. They can be in the blood stream as quick as 30 seconds.  So my theory less is more resonates with the use of essential oils.  But how go you get right?  

    How do you know what essential oils will benefit your body now?  
    I do have the ability to muscle test, however this can take some time, I wanted something more efficient and fast.

    I discovered the  ZYTO compass. This software  measures what biomarkers in your body are out of balance.  In 1994, the National Institute of Health establish the term "biofield", calling it an ensemble or matrix of different energies that extend outward from the body. The biofield is comprised of many energies associated with the life process itself. According to traditional Chinese medicine a form of bodily energy called 'chi' circulates throughout and around the body. The resultant induced electrical paths on the surface of the skin called meridians. 

    Acupuncture attempts to restore a healthy biofield at the skin surface. The improved energetic flow affects the body's electrical flows which then benefits the life process. The ZYTO Compass  is a  bio-communication device.  It is programmed to look for imbalances in your body's  electro energetics. Disturbances in the energetic field, called the bio field, proceed manifestations in the tissue. This technology assesses 76 biomarkers within your body to determine which have inadequate stress response thus are vulnerable to dysfunction.   It then uses your data to select your unique nutritional supplementation to support the self-healing process in your body.  So the compass makes health assessment simple all you have to do is place your hand in a small cradle. 

    The ZYTO Compass
    •  senses imbalances in your bio fields which may lead to disease
    •  scans its database of essential oils and supplements that contain the energetic frequencies that match your unique vulnerabilities
    •  reports which essential oils and supplements in its database and needed to address your deficient stress response
    •  rank orders which are most important,  that is, which essential oils and supplements address the greatest number of imbalances so you know which one(s) do the most to support your health
    Important to note the ZYTO Compass
    • Is not a medical device.
    • Does not diagnose disease.
    • Does not diagnose deficiencies.
    • Does not recommend cures for any disease.
    My Progress

     I had my first scan 29th of January 2015.  It showed that out of 76 biomarker's  I had 60 that had a deficient stress response.  So I followed the protocol that it provided me. This included 4 Supplements and 5 Oils

     12 of February 2015 I performed a second scan.  There was improvement my biomarkers out of range dropped to 46. This scan showed 1 supplement and 4 essential oils was required.

     19 February 2015 my third scan showed a further improvement 41 biomarkers were out of range. 3 Supplements and 4 oils were required. Prior to my scan on this occasion I was experiencing confusion and irritability. I was not feeling myself at all.  I would term it an incoherent state. Within 30 mins of using the oils and taking the supplements that I needed, my state shifted to a more calm centred and grounded one. I felt it it was amazing!

     Each of these scans showed me that I needed a different oil or supplement to improve my outcome.  

    This got me thinking how many of us are prescribed a drug or a supplement and told that we need to have this to the rest of our lives.  Is this really the case?

     24 of February 2015 my fourth scan showed further improvement dropping to 40 by markers out of range. 4 Supplements and 6 Oils.

     4th of March 2015 further improvement,  my bio markers with 37 out of range. 3 Supplements & 4 Oils again with those scans there were very little supplements or oils that were the same.  

    11th of March 2015,  my biomarker is out of range actually rose in this period due to stress and a heavy workload,  they rose to 39 biomarker is out of range. 6 Oils & 4 Supplements

     I scanned again on 17 March 2015 and again they had risen to 44 biomarker is out of range.  This was a good sign for me that I needed to also change how I was reacting and responding to situations as supplements that I was using can't be expected to do all the hard work. I have also been travelling and was warding off a virus that had tried to get a foot hold. (It didn't win just a day of feeling a little off colour)  They are there to assist me in managing. 7 Oils & 2 Supplements

     3 of April 2015 a further scan actually revealed my bio markers have dropped to 30 out of range this is an improvement of 50% in just two months.  Taking exactly what the body needed during times of stress and repair the body is responding nicely.  I am feeling more calm centred and grounded.  Handling stress has become easier.  What this has revealed to me is that taking supplements that are key to your body's needs now has the greatest impact on your body.  However continuing with the same protocol over an extended period of time can create more stress on your system leaving your body in deficit to perform its everyday tasks. This scan revealed 4 oils and 1 supplement. RememberI am not taking any other supplements.

     As I look back over the reports some of the supplements repeated themselves at various times along with certain oils. But the supplements and oils that are needed from my very first scan there is only one has come up again. My husband has also seen improvement with his first scan 10 February 2015 with 46 Biomarkers out of range - 3 April 2015 to 35 out of range.

     So do yourself and your body favour and have a regular scan to see what the essential oils and supplements enhance your bodies healing abilities.

     If you are in the Brisbane area and wish to explore this yourself feel free to contact me and we can set up a time for wellness consult.  If you are in Melbourne and Sydney I visit from time to time and would be happy to assist you with a wellness consult. 
    (The content of this blog does not contain medical advice and is the opinion of the author, experiences and observations.The information in this blog is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied. You must not rely on the information in this blog as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention.
    You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information on our website or blog posts.)

    Sunday 15 February 2015

    Lacey's Story - Seizures Dramatic Turn Around!

    Frankincense has been shown to support the bodies many systems.

    For further info please contact us below.


    Can you imagine how wonderful it would be if you could stop guessing which herbs and supplements are the right ones for you, and you could know for sure which ones will help you?

    We have some exciting news for you. You can now use ZYTO Compass to do just that. Zyto compass scans your body and generates a feedback report that tells you which health and wellness products will work to help you balance your body.

    No more issues with trying different supplements, only to find out that certain ones just aren't working for you. They may work for your spouse or best friend, but that is because we are all uniquely different; and so we require different things to keep our body's in balance. Now you can save time and money because you will know exactly which supplements to purchase, and take, because it is based on your ZYTO Compass bio scan. This is "21st Century Technology" at its best.

    This exciting new technology, which has been used in NASA since the 1970's. ZYTO Compass is cutting edge technology that is now available to the public. People from all walks of life are getting huge benefits from using ZYTO Compass technology.

    Your body is an innately intelligent system in and of itself. It knows what is going on inside of every single organ, tissue and cell. But the truly great thing is that the ZYTO Compass is able to pick up on any imbalances (bio-markers that are not in place), and it can help to identify where work needs to be done, and with what. The ZYTO Compass is not a medical procedure or treatment, (although there are many medical professionals who have been using this technology for years). It is able to read the energy fields in the body through a simple assessment using software on a computer (It actually scans all of the meridians in the body). It will then make product suggestions, and some that you may not have even thought of; and it will confirm many things that you probably already know about the supplements you are currently using.

    How Does the ZYTO Compass Work?

    Every second of every day all your activities are managed by an estimated 100 million impulses of information. This massive exchange of information happens at a level below conscious awareness in an area of the brain called the reticular activating system (RAS). It is the analysis and processing of these impulses that keeps your body organized, focused and healthy; without it, you would cease to function!

    ZYTO Compass Bio Survey Nutritional Analysis combines quantum physics, biology, information theory and modern computer technologies. The results of the Compass Bio Survey Analysis are quickly analyzed and interpreted for your unique nutritional requirements.

    The Compass System combines the power of dynamic changes in the electrical properties of the skin with ZYTO’s Decision Support Technology software. ZYTO technology measures the fluctuations in the energy patterns of the skin. The primary feedback mechanism is called GSR or Galvanic Skin Response. When you place your hand on the Compass hand cradle, the ZYTO software sends stimuli to the body using digital signatures representative of various alternatives like nutritional supplements. Each stimulus creates a unique GSR response, which the ZYTO software measures and analyzes. It’s like asking the body questions about nutritional products and having the body talk back (bio-feedback).

    How Can ZYTO Compass Technology Help You?

    ZYTO Compass technology can save you time and money. You will feel greater confidence each time you order doTERRA products, because you will know that they are the right ones for you. You simply look at your generated report and purchased the products based on the recommendations from your own body. The ZYTO Compass reports can also be saved and you can view measurable progress when you have your next scan. The scan is quick, easy and painless. It only takes about five minutes to complete the scan, and the entire analysis and printed report is normally finished in less than thirty minutes.

    Is the ZYTO Compass Easy to Use?

    Using the ZYTO Compass is super simple. You just place your hand in the hand cradle (as shown in the photo above) and rest it there for approximately five minutes. The energy fields in your body are scanned and the Compass inputs the information into the computer.

    If you would like further info and schedule a ZYTO Scan for you and your family, simply complete the contact form below and we will get back to you.

    Are you a Health Practitioner and would like a Zyto compass for yourself?

    If you would like to have a Zyto compass click on the link GET MY OWN ZYTO COMPASS

    dōTERRA CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils

    Using the purest oils make such a difference in supporting your body systems for health and wellness.

    For Further Info contact us below.